A half year ago, when the gas prices reached $3 dollars per gallon, people complained about the high price and wished that the Bush Government would hear their voices to reduce the price.
Now when I drive passing by the gas station everyday, the price per gallon has reached a historical high point from $3.60 to $3.79 to $4.00. Nobody complains about it anymore because we know the high price phenomenon is not going to end. All we can do is to accept it, spend less money on groceries, and drive less. People start to think about an alternative way to save money on gas such as selling their high gas-consummed car and buy a motorcycle. Due to the high gas prices, Japan-made cars such as Honda and Toyota have become the hottest item in the market for new or used-car buyers. Peope who want to buy a new car put hybrid cars as their first priority in their shopping list.
Me: 19(city) 26(Hwy)
Mike: 27(city) 34(Hwy)